Rebel® Packaged Rooftop Systems

Simplified Electrical Configurations

Transitioning to an electric solution can often come at a high installation cost. 

Rebel overcomes this by utilizing configurable electrical circuiting that integrates with your existing wiring infrastructure. New loads are isolated on smaller, dedicated circuits.

Rebel also features configurable auxiliary electric heat limits and emergency backup controls. These features help to reduce the unit’s peak design electrical load.

Gas Heat Unit Being Replaced 

  • R-32 Electrical for Cooling

  • Gas for heating

Traditional Heat Pump w/ Electric Heat 

  • Electrical for cooling & heating

  • Large wire/breaker sizes required

  • High electrical install cost

Rebel Heat Pump w/ Electric Heat & Dedicate EH Power 

  • Existing electrical for cooling

  • New, separate, smaller electrical for heating

  • Simplified installation

  • Lower electrical installed cost!